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2018-03-28 点击数:1398
The cleaning of glass is the first process of making insulating glass, and it is also finished by the first 3 paragraphs of the hollow glass production line. The 3 segments are the upper segment, the cleaning section and the transport section. The glass enters the cleaning air dry section from the upper part. It is cleaned by 3 sets of brush and water. Then, it is blown by high power hot air and dried, then the glass enters the transport section.

The brush of the hollow glass production line is the key part of the cleaning glass, and the protection of the brush is very important. The appearance of the glass dust, dirt and glass paper paper glue adhesion is very simple in brush bristles, some will be hidden in the brush root, if not in time, will be cleaning the glass surface pollution. Especially the cleaning machine for cleaning the off-line LOW-E glass, more attention should be paid to the time protection of the brush. High pressure water gun can be used to scour the protection. The cleaning section of the insulating glass production line has been used for a long time. Due to the large number of small and medium-sized glass processing, the lower part of the brush is faster than the upper part, and it needs dressing as well.


Now most of the hollow glass manufacturers use tap water, well water or general water to clean glass. This needs to be judged according to the actual situation. Because tap water, especially well water contains calcium, magnesium, chloride, a large number of plasma, when these ions attached to the glass surface, will affect the butyl rubber, two sealant and glass surface bonding quality, and then affect the sealing life of hollow glass, simple lead seal failure. The general clear water is only filtered out the granular impurities in the water, and can not remove the ions in the water. If the insulating glass requirement is high, it is advocated to install the clean water equipment and use the deionized water to wash the glass.
The water in the water tank of the cleaning machine in the hollow glass production line should be replaced regularly to keep it clean. The sediment in the water tank should be cleaned and cleaned to prevent the water supply from the water tank to bring the sediments to the brush. The washing water for insulating glass is forbidden to use detergent.