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2017-10-13 点击数:1313
A look at the material. Aluminum Alloy used aluminum doors and windows equipment quality, thickness, strength and oxide film, shall conform to the relevant provisions of the national standard, the wall thickness should be more than 1.2 mm, the tensile strength of 157 mm per square metre of Newton, yield strength to reach 108 per square millimeter of Newton, the thickness of the oxide film should reach 10 micron. If not up to the above standard, it is inferior Aluminum Alloy doors and windows equipment, can not be used.



Two see. The aluminum doors and windows processing equipment, high precision machining, installation stress, good sealing performance, switching freely. Aluminum Alloy inferior door window equipment, choose aluminous profile series and specifications, processing by saw cutting instead of crudely made, milling, no installation required, poor sealing performance, the switch does not freely, not only air leaks and glass burst phenomenon, and encountered strong winds and force, easy to push and pull part or glass fall or drop, and destroy wounding.
Three see price. In general, high quality aluminum doors and windows equipment because of its high production cost, the price ratio of Aluminum Alloy inferior door window equipment is 30% higher. Some have only 0.6-0.8 mm aluminum production equipment Aluminum Alloy window wall thickness, tensile strength and yield strength is much lower than the relevant national standard, it is not safe to use.
此外,目前加工铝合金门窗设备的个体户较多,他们不懂得铝合金门窗设备的结构特点及其性能.为了降低成本偷工减料,以次充好,产品的隐患较大,一般不宜采用.选用正规铝合金门窗设备生产厂家的产品. 这里要特别说明一点:现在的国家标准的型材厚度为1.4mm,如果供应商选择的是1.2mm或者1.0mm壁厚甚至更薄的材料的话,都是属于不达标的产品,请大家在选购时注意.
In addition, the current processing equipment more Aluminum Alloy doors and windows of the self-employed, they do not understand the structure characteristics and performance Aluminum Alloy doors and windows equipment. In order to reduce the cost of shoddy work, shoddy, the hidden trouble of the product is large, the general should not be used. It is best to choose the regular Aluminum Alloy doors and windows equipment manufacturers products. It must be clear: the thickness of the profile now the national standard is 1.4mm, if the supplier selection is 1.2mm or 1.0mm thickness even thinner material, are substandard products, please pay attention at the time of purchase.
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