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2018-06-11 点击数:2843
1. 根据生产计划单的要求,选取适当的玻璃原片
1. select suitable glass raw materials according to the production plan.
2. 用行车吊取玻璃原片至上片台处,要求穿戴必备的手套、护腕、工作服,工作鞋等劳保用品
2. use the crane to lift the original piece of glass to the top desk, and wear the necessary gloves, bracers, work clothes, work shoes and other labor protection articles.
3. 打开上片台的电源气源开关,检查气源压力
3. turn on the power supply gas switch on the chip and check the gas source pressure.
4. 打开上片台触摸屏的开关,准确选择左右侧翻的按键
4. open the switch on the touch screen of the platform, and select the key to the left and right rollover accurately.
5. 上片过程中要仔细观察片玻璃是否与后面玻璃完全分开
5. carefully observe whether the first piece of glass is completely separated from the rear glass during the above process.
6. 若有问题随时按急停键,问题排除后方可继续

6. if you have any problems, press the stop button at any time.


7. 要认真核对尺寸,批量尺寸片必须仔细核对,防止出错
7., we must carefully check the size, the first batch size must be carefully checked, to prevent mistakes.
8. 工作结束关闭电源气源,清扫车间及工作台面,清理收好工具
8., turn off the power supply and gas source, clean the workshops and work surfaces, and clean up the tools.
9. 手工划片要求认真仔细,尺寸、注意安全
9. manual dicing requires careful, precise size and safety.
10. 用液压车搬运玻璃架时一定要将玻璃捆扎牢固方可搬运
10. when using a hydraulic truck to transport glass frames, it is necessary to bind the glass firmly before moving.
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