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2017-11-27 点击数:1425
Most of the body parts are made of aluminum plate, and the traditional 7000 series zinc based aluminum alloy is used for processing. The reason is that the alloy has good static strength and fatigue strength. Although the 7000 series of aluminum materials are suitable for aviation applications, they are not resistant to high temperature.
Rapid heating, such as welding and laser cutting, can cause micro cracks. Micro cracks lead to lower fatigue strength. Welding and laser cutting are two processes to produce thermally induced microcracks. For a long time, the advantage of the laser has not been brought into play since the reduction of the fatigue performance in the processing of the 7000 series aluminum plate.
Fatigue fracture usually occurs in the stress concentration area, such as the edge of the part, the geometric change, or the joint. The fuselage parts made of sheet metal have many different ways of joining, and most of the fatigue cracks occur at the joints. If the laser is not used to cut holes in the joint, the laser is mainly used for the edge cutting of the parts.
For the other effect, can use the most easily damaged to illustrate the connection position compared with the connection, laser cutting caused by micro cracks and damaged parts of the main. In this way, we can conclude that if a part is likely to fracture at the joint, then the laser cutting technique will not further damage the fatigue characteristics of the parts.



It is more important in the laser cutting process, technical staff has to control the cutting parameters, and accurately repeated use of the calculator software. These technological advances have led to a rethink of whether laser cutting is suitable for the production of airframe structures. Future airframe systems and existing designs should not be excluded from possible applications of the laser in the airframe system due to past experience. We should keep a cool head and an open attitude to analyze the situation in order to determine whether laser technology can bring production benefits in the aviation manufacturing industry.
Therefore, the metal laser cutting machine is very important for quality and process control when cutting 7000 series aluminum material. Any process that brings uncertainty to the process must be controlled or ruled out directly.
However, in the current metal laser cutting system, the limitations of these laser cutting applications in aviation have been improved, and these limitations include fatigue performance and manufacturing process consistency reduction problem. Now, the laser system greatly reduces the size of the heat affected zone and the corresponding microcracks.
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